Tuesday, 30 June 2009

The Video Series is Here!

After great anticipation, the Fresh and Live Mamas Easy-Make Kitchen series is here (well, on You Tube!)

The delights so far include:

Cashew Cream
Chocolate Almond Milk Smoothie
How to Make Almond Milk (need to watch that one first!)
And my latest offering, Banana Split!

I am mainly going for fresh, live, raw, superfoods ingredients but I want to let everyone know now... what I have posted so far is delicious food you can eat, but still in moderation, in my humble opinion! These shakes and creams are not the mainstay of my diet (well, only on some days!) My main diet at the moment consists of green smoothies, large salads, some sprouted and cooked grains, vegetables, nuts, seeds... some raw treats and most recently, dried mulberries - YUM!

And this is what I love about the Kitchen Series. It's for people who want to start making changes but don't want to be completely bombarded with too much info, too many new words and concepts. It's for people who want to be reminded that they can still have a choccie milkshake - one that tastes great but has no dairy in it! And the aim is for the series to go from strength-to-strength - finding out new tastes, ideas and ways of preparing foods for us and our families that bring about great health for all.

All mums (and anyone who wants to start making changes for their health) can tap into this series, watch it, play about with the recipes and then hopefully start to investigate what makes them (or you!) feel great!!

So what's coming up on the Fresh and Live Mamas Kitchen Series?

Chocolate Buttons, Breads, Shakes, Smoothies, Salads, Fudges and maybe, just maybe, a few celebrity appearances! Keep watching and do spread the word (and try out some of the recipes!)

Much love xxx

Monday, 15 June 2009

Coming to your Home Soon!

I have been  a bit quiet on the blogging front - but things should pick up again this week with the imminent arrival of the Fresh and Live Mama's Easy Make Kitchen Series! I am so excited about this! Every week I am going to share a video of a recipe that you can make (aiming it at the mamas but really these are for everyone)

I know a lot of my friends and family have struggled in the past to find easy yet innovative ways to feed them and their kids healthy, nutritious foods and as I love to experiment in the kitchen, I think it's time to start sharing, not just in books and on blogs and on my facebook updates but also via my video camera!

So look out for the new series and look forward to learning about...

nut milks and very yummy choccie milkshakes

choccie buttons

amazing energy-giving salads

smoothies, drink, fudges, biscuits and crackers

It is so satisfying to be in your own kitchen and make tasty creations! And I will be asking some other Fresh and Live Mamas the world over to share what they are making in their kitchens too!!!
