Hello! It didn't occur to me that many people were reading my blog until a few of you said that you enjoyed reading it and when would I be posting again! Thanks for that! You spurred me on to writing this post. Anyway, I digress!
Today, there was a loud rat-a-tat-tat at the front door and who should be there but Postman Pat himself* with a special delivery for me and Maya!
Imagine our delight when we opened up the parcel and discovered a very sweet box of eggs... chocolate eggs! RAW chocolate eggs! (no, not raw eggs, raw CHOCOLATE eggs!) These eggs are the real deal - solid chocolate, sugar and dairy-free and so unbelievably sweet (tasting and otherwise) that they would make a very lovely Easter present indeed. In our family, we celebrate the Baha'i New Year which is fast approaching... 21st March is Naw Ruz (New Day) and this is also as many of you know the time when spring literally springs into action! So don't just limit these eggs for easter presents... that's right! You can send them to me for Naw Ruz!
You can order your own box of delicious eggs from www.rawrchoc.com, in a variety of flavours, ranging from After Dinner Mint, Orange Zest and a darker Purity. And you can have these in any combination so if you fancy four of the same or one of one and three of another, you can!
Happy Days everyone!
* It wasn't really Postman Pat - just our regular Postie!
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