Still on the theme of Fresh and Live mama, I weighed myself this morning, 'just to see'! I have lost four pounds since Saturday - and I feel really, really good! My skin has already taken a turn for the better and a dry patch of skin that was developing on my left eye has now gone. (thought it was important for you to know that!)
It's all great news for me as even though I don't want to fall into the trap of a daily weigh-in, (weigh-ins can sometimes affect the tone for the whole day and as we all know, weight can fluctuate!) I can see results! And I can see them physically too, which shows that when you commit to eating really lovely fresh foods, you won't have to wait long to feel elated! Which then, of course, spurs you on to continue with your efforts!
I was thinking earlier on of what some people say when I eat like this (as in cutting out dairy, sugar, white carbs etc) and mainly eating raw, unprocessed foods. One person retorted that I shouldn't deprive myself of things otherwise I will stay in diet mentality.
I simply disagree. I find it interesting that anyone would think they are being deprived if they cut out low-nutrient and high processed foods from their diet. Sure, I am not having them, but doesn't deprivation mean that you are not getting things that you need? In that case, I would say that I have often (mainly in the far-away past) deprived myself of fresh high-nutrients, and low calorie foods. My body is certainly not deprived right at this very moment!.
Today, I have had a morning smoothie (we were out of most things green so we had a rather sweet and juicy orange, apple ginger and lemon smoothie with avocado, spirulina , hemp protein powder and mesquite), two raw flax omega bars (whilst we were on the go), more of the morning smoothie for a late lunch and I have have just had 'afternoon tea' which was simply delicious! Just strawberries and blueberries drizzled with the orange cashew cream I made yesterday. OH MY!!!
So, I feel good. I knew that I would!
I urge you (yes, urge!) to make this for your afternoon tea (or anytime snack) so you can see how amazing it tastes!!